
Just me my thoughts, my writings, my blog space*

Friday, December 02, 2005

Me vs. Circumstance

Do you miss me? Or is it circumstance?
Do you love me? Or is it circumstance?
Do you desire me? Or is it circumstance?
Do you think of me? Or is it circumstance?
Do you call me to hear my voice? Or is it circumstance?
Do you talk about our future, because you want a future with me?
Or is it circumstance?
Do you want to marry me? Or is it circumstance?
Do you want me to bare your children? Or is it circumstance?
Do you want me to care for you when you are ill? Or is it circumstance?
Do you want to tell me your fears? Or is it circumstance?
Do you want to share your dreams with me? Or is it circumstance?
Do you want me to base my life around, or do you base me around the circumstance?
Do you want me because it’s convenient? Or are we together because of the circumstance?
Sweet, sweet, circumstance. I wish I knew you better. I wish I were more like you, whatever the circumstance. Why must I compete with you over what is supposed to be my circumstance. I’m not willing to walk along the curb of your world when in fact I have road in mine. A well paved road where I am strong and tall and I belong. In your world I am a stranger, small and weak. I will not compete. I want my dream to be my reality. You are a ghost haunting my broken heart. Haven’t I endured enough. Why can’t you leave this circumstance alone. You have something that I want, but I cannot thrive walking in your shoes. They do not fit. My feet are swolen.